Updated November 2024
Our Programs
Find out about upcoming events via e-mail! To receive our weekly and/or special events e-mails, send an e-mail to [email protected] with your request. All Programs take place at the Kollel unless noted otherwise.
Kollel Boker
Kollel Boker is one of our most popular with a robust early morning seder, followed by shacharis. A hearty breakfast to go is prepared every morning. Click on the poster for more information. Seder Monday through Friday 6:10 - 7:45 a.m. Schacharis Monday & Thursday - 6:50 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday - 6:55 a.m. |
Daf Yomi
Join thousands of Jewish men around the world in "learning the Daf", the daily quota of one folio of Gemora. Stay in the Kollel after Maariv and join the Kollel's Daf Yomi group, presently led by Rabbi Yisrael Schwartz. The group has already completed many mesechtos, but gladly accepts newcomers at any time. Sunday - Thursday 10:15 - 10:55 p.m. |

Kollel Erev Advanced Chaburah
Looking to join a chaburah for advanced learners? The Kollel Erev Chabura for the advanced learner is presently learning Meseches Beitza. Members of the chaburah independently learn a daf per week and then meet on Thursday nights at 9:00 p.m. at the Kollel for a chaburah related to the daf currently being learned. Source sheets, handouts, and recordings of past chaburos are archived and available on the chabura website. Announcements and maaseh u'matan binyan halimud, interactive discussions, are available there as well. For further information, please contact Dr. David Weiss at [email protected].
Looking to join a chaburah for advanced learners? The Kollel Erev Chabura for the advanced learner is presently learning Meseches Beitza. Members of the chaburah independently learn a daf per week and then meet on Thursday nights at 9:00 p.m. at the Kollel for a chaburah related to the daf currently being learned. Source sheets, handouts, and recordings of past chaburos are archived and available on the chabura website. Announcements and maaseh u'matan binyan halimud, interactive discussions, are available there as well. For further information, please contact Dr. David Weiss at [email protected].

Mechanchim Kollel
ORAYSA Now Learning Meseches Sukka
Sunday Morning Men's Advanced Chabura with Rabbi Biberfeld
Get your week off to a great start by joining the Kollel's men's Sunday morning program. To sign up for the maareh mekomos, source sheet, e-mail Rabbi Biberfeld at [email protected]. Sunday Morning Halacha Shiur Time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM The Laws of Kilayim Conference Room on the Lower Level & via Zoom |

Thursday Night Gemara Shiur with the Rosh Kollel
Rabbi Biberfeld's longstanding Gemora shiur takes place on Thursday nights. This shiur is stimulating and informative and is sure to get you thinking like a "Gemorakup!" Rabbi Biberfeld makes it exciting, relevant, and you learn new yedios and halachos. No background necessary. To hear some of these shiurim from our archives, see the Meseches Yoma Audio page.
Thursday Nights 8:15-9:00 p.m.
Conference Room on the Lower Level
Rabbi Biberfeld's longstanding Gemora shiur takes place on Thursday nights. This shiur is stimulating and informative and is sure to get you thinking like a "Gemorakup!" Rabbi Biberfeld makes it exciting, relevant, and you learn new yedios and halachos. No background necessary. To hear some of these shiurim from our archives, see the Meseches Yoma Audio page.
Thursday Nights 8:15-9:00 p.m.
Conference Room on the Lower Level

Women’s Programming and Classes
The Kollel offers a variety of events exclusively for women, including our highly acclaimed Annual Bake Sale Event, Shabbos lectures, and special classes and initiatives throughout the year.
Rabbi Reisman Navi Shiur Live via Webcast 5785 Join us each Motzaei Shabbos for this shiur that reaches us from Brooklyn, NY where it is received by over 1,000 people each week. Take advantage of the TCN revolution to experience outstanding shiurim. This shiur is shown at the Reb Leib and Rachel Kohn conference room on the Kollel's Lower Level. Dedicated in loving memory of Dr. Leon Schwartz, z”l, ר‘ ארי‘ אליעזר בן יעקב שמואל ז“ל by his friends and family. |
Shiurim with Rabbi Yirmiyohu Bauminger
Motzaei Shabbos Boys' Masmid Program 5785 (Winter)
Join the crowd during long winter Motzaei Shabbosos at our ever-popular and exciting Masmid Program. Young boys come to learn with fathers, grandfathers, and mentors and enjoy stories, raffle prizes, and pizza! We also have other youth programming throughout the year. Great Learning! Pizza! Prizes! Stories! |
Kesher 5785
Yeshivas Bein Hazemanim
The Kollel runs a Yeshivas Bein Hazemanim program for yeshiva and college boys home for Sukkos and Pesach bein hazemanim, intersession. Special shiurim on timely topics are delivered by prominent Rabbanim and maggidei shiur. Breakfast and lunch are provided to maximize on the learning time. We even have a sukkah! |
Kollel Publications
Stay informed with the Kollel's Weekly Email Update. In addition, many of our shiurim are distributed in audio format through our emails. As the number of downloads will attest, this is becoming a new trend in Torah dissemination. Sign up for our e-mails by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. You are sure to be inspired by Menucha Vesimcha, our Parsha Sheet, and other periodic pamphlets. |
The AUDIO ARCHIVES of the Philadelphia Community Kollel hosts hundreds of shiurim and lectures available free of charge as a community service for streaming or download for your listening pleasure. Topics include Gemara, Halacha, Mussar, Moadim, Parsha, Tefilla and various lectures for men and women of all ages. To access Masmid stories archive see here.