Chanukah 5779 - This event took place on December 4, 2018 featuring a talk by Rabbi Yosef Reinman, Shlita of Lakewood, NJ.
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Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Reinman is a renowned author, historian and Talmudic scholar, who also a speaks widely on Jewish history and thought. He has authored Shufra Dishtara, a seminal study of the philosophy of Talmudic contractual law in Hebrew, and Abir Yosef, a study of Chumash according to Rashi's commentary. All in all, he has written sixty-five books, and his articles have appeared in numerous Jewish periodicals. Among his works are the very popular Destiny: The Story of the Jewish people and the Western World and the twelve-volume Strasbourg Saga, a work of historical fiction, under the name Avner Gold
We thank our Sponsors:
Gold Sponsors: Sanford and Margery Bruck in memory of Freda bas Harry ob"m
Silver Sponsors: Eli and Tamar Miller
Sponsors: Drs. Israil and Inna Pendrak in memory of Israil's father Mendel ben Ezril Zelig Hachen z"l
Sid and Susan Laytin in memory of Anette Sollins z"l
Steven Weiner and Lisa Wise in memory of Mr. Aron Weiss, Aharon ben Horav Elimelech Tzvi z"l
father of Dr. David Weiss, sheyichyeh
Gold Sponsors: Sanford and Margery Bruck in memory of Freda bas Harry ob"m
Silver Sponsors: Eli and Tamar Miller
Sponsors: Drs. Israil and Inna Pendrak in memory of Israil's father Mendel ben Ezril Zelig Hachen z"l
Sid and Susan Laytin in memory of Anette Sollins z"l
Steven Weiner and Lisa Wise in memory of Mr. Aron Weiss, Aharon ben Horav Elimelech Tzvi z"l
father of Dr. David Weiss, sheyichyeh