The Kollel's Sixteenth Annual Dinner was held on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at The Hilton Philadelphia, City Avenue. We are proud to have honored two very special people who represent our theme, Growing with Torah, Growing with You. We thank the close to 400 people who attended our Banquet. Making this a most successful dinner campaign. We could not have done it without you! The tremendous success is a tribute to our honorees. We thank all who have contributed especially the amazing Dinner Committee.
Media Page
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Thank you for your participation.

Courtesy of Yuri Boroda of Areal Photovideo. To order portraits, please contact Yuri at: [email protected] or 215-760-8871.
Courtesy of Yuri Boroda of Areal Photovideo. To order portraits, please contact Yuri at: [email protected] or 215-760-8871.
Jordan and Susan Hullman
Dinner Chairpersons Ted and Phyllis Kosloff Honorary Journal Chairpersons |
Moshe and Rachael Starkman
Journal Chairpersons Michael and Jody Molinari Journal Chairpersons |